약콩두유 BI & Package Design, 밥스누 & 서울대 차세대융합기술연구원, 2015
Yak Kong Doo Yu (Medicinal Soy Bean Milk) BI & Package Design, BOBSNU & SNU AICT, 2015

Yak Kong Doo Yu is a 100% domestic black bean milk drink produced based on a patented
technology developed by SNU. It is a functional drink that maximized the effect of nutritional
ingredients of beans by using unpeeled ground black beans, which have been used as a drug in
Oriental medicine for centuries. We designed the BI based on a modern interpretation of
the typeface of the Hunminjeongeum Haerye (The original manuscript of the Korean alphabet),
which was published about 600 years ago, and developed a simple but characterful logotype
where the hangeul typography alone can remind consumers of the cute curved form of black beans.

iF DESIGN AWARD 2017, Discipline Communication - Winner